Our Display Garden
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Show garden list
This is a comprehensive list of all roses available in the Show Garden as of 1.2012. Please
contact us if you have any specific questions, and we'll be happy to help!

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X-Y-Z , Key
Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Abbaye de Cluny ROM 1996 3 to 4 ab *** ff
Abraham Darby S 1990 5 to 10 op *** fff
Absolutely MN 1998 24in. yb **? -
Accent F 1977 1 to 2 mr *** f
Adam's Smile MN 1987 15 to 18in dp *** -
Aimee Vibert N 1828 5 to 6 w * ?
Albertine R 1921 10 to 15 op * fff
Alchymist S 1956 6 to 10 ab - ff
'Aline's White Magic' (fnd) F <1998 ? w *** ?
Alister Stella Gray N 1894 8 to 15 ly ** fff
All Ablaze CL 1999 10 to 12 mr ** ff
Aloha CLHT 1949 8 to 10 mp ** ff
Altissimo CL 1966 8 to 10 mr *** -
Amadis (Crimson Boursault) OGR 1829 8 to 12 dr - ff
Ambiance HT 1999 4? yb ** ?
America, Climbing CL 1976 8 op * fff
American Beauty, Climbing (LCL) CL 1909 12 to 15 dp ** fff
American Pillar R 1902 15 to 20 pb - -
Amy Grant MN 1999 18 to 24in lp ** f
Angel Face F 1968 2 to 3 m *** fff
Angel Rose POL <1997 2 to 3 lp ** ?
Angelique F 1961 5 to 6 op *** f
'Anita's Apricot Fantasy'(fnd) MN <1994 2 to 3 ab *** -
'Anita's Briar Rose'(Irish Eleganc?) S <1994 3 lp ** ?
'Anita's Pink Splash'(fnd) MN <1994 1 to 2 pb *** -
Anna HT 1990 4? lp ** ?
Anna's Red Glory'(fnd) HT <1996 5 mr *** ?
Anna's Red Glory'(fnd) HT <1994 4 to 5 mr *** ?
Anna's Yellow Glory'(fnd) HT <1995 3 to 4 my *** ?
'Ann's Tough Pink Climber' CL <2002 10 to 12? lp ** f
Anytime MN 1973 2 to 3 op ** ff
Apothecary Rose (R. gallica off.) G <1600 3 to 4 dp - fff
Apricot Nectar F 1965 4 to 5 ab ** fff
Aquarius GR 1971 5 to 6 pb ** f
Arrillaga HP 1929 6 lp * fff
Artistry HT 1997 4 to 5 op *** f
August Gervais R 1918 12 to 20 ab *? ff
'Auntie's Favorite'(fnd) HT <1994 4 to 5 dr *** ff
Autumn Damask, R. dam. bifera DM >old 4 to 5 mp * fff
Autumn Delight HM 1933 ? w ** ff
Autumn Gold HT 1969 4 to 5 yb ** ff
Autumn Sunset S 1986 8 to 12 ab *** fff
Awakening (LCL) CL 1992 10 to 12 lp ** f
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Baby Faurax POL 1924 1 to 2 m ** ff
Ballerina HM 1937 3 to 4 mp ** f
Baltimore Belle R 1843 15 to 20 lp - fff
Baron de Bonstetten HP 1871 5 to 7 dr * fff
Baronne Prevost HP 1842 4 to 5 mp *** fff
'Barton Springs China' (fnd) CH <2000 3 rb *** ?
Bashful POL 1955 2 pb *** -
Beauty Secret MN 1965 12 to 18in mr **? fff
Belinda HM 1936 4 to 6 mp *** ff
Belle Blanca (LCL) CL >1903 20 w - ?
Belle of Portugal (LCL) CL 1903 20 lp - ff
Belle Story S 1985 4 lp *** fff
Betty Boop F 1998 3 rb *** f
Birdie Blye S 1904 4 to 5 mp **** f
Bishop Darlington HM 1926 4 to 6 ab *** ff
Black Jade MN 1985 18 to 24in dr ** -
Blaze (LCL) CL 1932 12 to 15 mr *? f
Bloomfield Abundance F 1920 3 to 4 lp ** f
Bloomfield Dainty HM 1924 6 to 8 my * ff
Bloomfild Courage R 1925 15 to 20 rb - ?
Blue Bell HT 1997 3 pb ** ?
Blue Girl HT 1964 4 to 5 m ** ff
Blue Magic MN <1986 12 to 16in m ** -
Blumenschmidt T 1906 3 yb **** f
Blush Noisette N 1817 4 to 5 w *** fff
'Bob's Big Blousey' (Medallion?,fnd) HT 1973 6 to 7 ab ** ff
Bon Silene T <1837 4 dp *** ff
Bonica S 1987 4 mp *** f
Boule de Neige B 1867 4 to 5 w *** fff
Brandy HT 1982 4 to 5 ab ** f
Brass Ring MN 1981 12 to 18in ob *** -
Breath of Life (LCL) CL 1980 8 ab ** fff
Bubble Bath HM 1980 8 to 12 lp ** fff
Buff Beauty HM 1939 4 to 6 ab ** fff
Burbank T 1900 2 to 3 mp *** ff
Butterscotch (LCL) CL 1986 8 to 12 yb ** ff
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Cafe Ole MN 1990 18 to 24in r ** fff
Cal Poly MN 1991 16 to 20in my *** f
Camelot GR 1964 5 op *** ff
Capitaine John Ingram M 1854 5 m - fff
Captain Thomas CLHT 1935 6 to 8 ly ** f
Carefree Delight S 1996 4 pb *** -
Cecile Brunner POL 1881 3 to 5 lp *** ff
Cecile Brunner, Climbing CLPOL 1894 15 to 20 lp * ff
Celine Forestier N 1858 8 to 10 ly ** ff
Celsiana DM <1750 4 to 5 lp - fff
Centennial Star HT 1997 4 to 5 yb **? fff
Central Park MN <1998 20 to 24in ab *** ?
'Cerise Nights' (Orange Triumph,fnd) S <1994 3 to 4 dp **** ?
Champagne Coctail F 1983 4 yb **? ff
Charisma F 1977 3 to 4 rb **** f
Charles de Mills G OLD 4 to 5 dr - fff
Charles Lefebyre HP 1861 8 dr ** fff
Cherish F 1980 3 op *** f
Cherry Parfait GR 2003 5 rb *** f
Chevy Chase R 1939 10 to 12 dr - ?
Chicago Peace HT 1962 4 pb ** f
Child's Play MN 1993 20 to 24in pb *** -
China Doll POL 1946 2 mp *** f
Chinatown F 1963 4 to 5 dy * fff
Cinderella MN 1953 10 in. w **? ?
Clair Matin (LCL) CL 1960 8 mp *** ff
Class Act f 1989 4 to 5 w *** fff
Clytemnestra HM 1915 4 to 6 op ** ff
Coctail S 1957 4 to 6 rb **** f
Colette CL 1996 8 to 10 lp ** fff
Color Magic HT 1978 4 to 5 pb ** ?
Compassion (LCL) CL 1972 8 to 12 op **? fff
Complicata G OLD 6 pb ? ?
Comptesse du Cayla CH 1902 3 ob *** f
Comte de Chambord P 1860 4 pb * fff
Constance Spry S 1961 5 to 8 lp - ff
Contessa S 1987 4 to 5 dp *** ff
Coral Dawn (LCL) CL 1952 8 to 12 mp ** ff
'Coral Lights'(fnd,Dale) HT <1994 4 to 5 op *** ?
Cornelia HM 1925 5 pb ** f
Cottage Garden MN 1992 2 op *** ?
Country Dancer (?) S 1973 ? dp ? ff
Crepescule N 1904 7 to 12 ab *** fff
Cricri MN 1958 16 to 20in ob *** -
Crimson Glory, Climbing CLHT 1946 10 to 15 dr * fff
Crimson Pillar CL 2002 10 to 12 mr ** f
Crystalline HT 1986 5 to 6 w ** f
Cupcake MN 1981 14 to 18in mp *** -
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Dad's Promise HT 1976 4 to 6? lp **? ?
'Dale's Pink Mini Climber'(fnd) CLMN<1994 6 to 8 mp *** ?
Danae HM 1913 6 ly * fff
Dandee MN 1983 12 to 14in dr * ff
Daniel Boone HT ? 3 to 4 dr * ff
Darlows Enigma HM 1993 8 to 12 w ** fff
'Dear David' SH 2003 3 dp ** f
Denver's Dream MN 1995 24 to 30in ob *** -
Detidue MN 1991 14 to 16in dp ** -
Devoniensis T 1838 2 to 3 w **? ff
Dornroschen S 1960 4 dp ** fff
Dorothy Perkins R 1901 10 to 20 lp * ff
Dortmund CL 1955 8 to 12 mr ** ?
Double Delight HT 1977 3 to 4 rb ** fff
Duet HT 1960 4 mp *** f
Duquesa de Penaranda (?) HT 1931 3 ob ** fff
Dynasty HT 1989 3 to 4 ob ** -
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Easy Going f 1999 4 yb *** ff
Eden 88 (Pierre de Ronsard) (LCL) CL 1987 8 to 10 pb *? f
Elie Beauvillain CLTea 1887 12 to 14 mp ** fff
Elina HT 1984 5 to 6 ly *** f
Enfante de France HP 1860 3 to 4 lp * fff
English Sonnet F 1999 2 to 3 ab *** ff
Erfurt HM 1939 4 to 5 pb *** fff
Escapade F 1967 4 to 5 m *** f
Etain R 1953 12 to 16 op * ?
Etoile de Hollande HT 1919 2 to 3 mr ** fff
Etoile de Lyon T 1881 4 my ** ff
Evelyn S 1992 5 to 7? ab ** fff
Excellenz von Schubert POL 1909 4 to 6 dp ** fff
Excelsa (found Mendocino) R 1909 12 to 18 mr - -
Eyepaint F 1975 4 to 5 rb *** f
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Fame! GR 1999 4 to 5 dp *** f
Fantin Latour C <1850 5 lp *? ff
Felicia HM 1928 4 to 6 pb *** ff
Fellenberg N 1835 4 to 5? mr ** f
Festival S 1993 2 rb *** ?
'Fewell's Noisette'(fnd,V.G.) N ? 6 to 8 lp *** fff
Figurine MN 1991 16 to 18in w ** -
Fire 'n Ice F 1987 4 to 5 rb ** f
First Light S 1998 2 lp **? ?
Flower girl S 2000 2 to 3 lp *** f
Fluffy Cloud (RRRCo) POL 2004 18 to 24in w *** -
Flutterbye S 1996 5 to 7 yb *** ff
Fortune's Double Yellow T 1845 7 to 15 yb - ff
Fortuniana R 1850 20 w - -
Fragrant Cloud HT 1967 5 to 6 or ** fff
Fragrant Plum S 1990 4 to 5 m **? fff
Fragrant Star (RRRCo) N 2005 5 to 6 w ** fff
Fragrant Surprise (English Sonnet) HT 1988 3 to 4 ab **? ff
Francis E. Lester HM 1946 15 to 20 w * fff
Francois Juranville R 1906 20 op * -
Frau Karl Druschki HP 1901 5 to 6 w ** -
Fred Loads CLF 1968 7 to 8 or ** ff
Frederic Mistral ROM 1996 4 to 5 lp *** fff
French Lace F 1980 3 to 4 w *** f
French Perfume HT 1993 5 yb ** fff
Fulgens OGR ? 6 to 8 m ** ?
Full Sail HT 1998 3 to 4 w ** fff
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Gail Borden HT 1957 4 pb *** ff
Garden Sun CL 2001 10 to 12 ab ** f
Garnette F 1951 2 dr ** f
Garten Direktor Otto Linne S 1934 4 to 5 dp *** ?
Gemini HT 2000 3 to 4 pb **? f
Gene Boerner F 1968 4 mp ** f
General Allard OGR ~1835 3 to 4 mp ** fff
General Gallieni T 1899 4? rb *** fff
Gentle Giant HT 2006 3 to 4 pb ** f
Gertrude Jeckyl S 1986 6 mp ? fff
Ghislaine de Feligonde (RH) R 1916 8 to 10 ly * ff
Giggles MN ? ? ? ? ?
Ginger Hill HT 1999 4? w ** ?
Gitte HT 1978 3 to 4 ab *** fff
Givency HT 1986 4 rb ** f
Gizmo MN 1998 4 to 20 in. ob ** f
Glamour Girl MN 1992 14 to 16in. rb *** -
Gloire de Dijon CLT 1853 8 to 12 op ** ff
Gloire de Guilan DM <1949 4 to 5 lp - fff
Gloire des Rosamanes CH 1825 5 to 7 mr *** ff
Gloria Mundi POL 1929 2 to 3 or *** -
Glowing Amber MN 1996 18 to 24in. rb *** -
Gold Medal GR 1982 5 to 6 my *** ff
Golden Showers (LCL) CL 1956 8 to 10 my **** ff
Goldilocks F 1945 2 to 3 my ** ff
Good Morning America MN 1991 18 to 20in. my ** -
'Graceful Glory'(fnd) S <1996 2 mp ** ?
Graham Thomas S 1983 5 to 7 dy *** fff
Grande Duchesse Charlotte HT 1942 4 mr ** f
Green Ice MN 1971 16 to 20in. w ** -
Gruss an Aachen F 1909 2 to 3 lp ** ff
Gruss an Coburg HT 1927 3 to 4 ab *** fff
Gruss an Teplitz B 1897 4 to 6 mr *** fff
Guy de Maupassant F 1996 4 to 5 mp **? ff
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Hadley HT 1914 3 to 4? mr ** fff
Handel CL 1965 8 to 10 rb ** f
Hanseat S 1961 5 to 6 mp ** f
Happy POL 1954 2 mr ** -
Happy, Climbing CLPOL 2005 6 to 10 dr ** -
Heart N Soul S 2002 5 to 6 rb *** f
'Heart's Desire Pink'(fnd) R OLD 10 to 15 pb - ?
Heavenly Days MN 1988 15 to 20in. op *** -
Hebe's Lip DM 1912 5 lp - fff
Helen Naude HT 1996 4 w **? f
Helen Traubel HT 1951 4 to 4 pb ** ff
Heritage S 1985 5 to 7 lp *** fff
Hermosa CH <1837 3 mp *** ff
Hoffman von Fallersleben CL 1917 8 to 12 rb ** ff
Homere T 1858 4 to 5 pb *** ff
Honey Perfume F 2004 3 to 4 ab ** ff
Hot Cocoa F 2000 4 dr **** -
Hot Tamale MN 1993 10 to 22in. ob *** -
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Iceberg f 1958 4 w *** ff
Improved Cecile Brunner F 1948 3 to 4 op *** f
Ingrid Bergman HT 1984 3 to 4 dr ** f
Inner Wheel F 1984 3 to 4 pb *** f
Innocence MN 1997 18 to 24in. w **? -
Interama (Peggy's Red Fence) F 1976 5 to 6 dr *** ?
Irene Watts CH 1896 3 ab *** ff
Irish Elegance HT 1905 4 ob *** ff
Ispahan DM <1832 6 to 7 mp - fff
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Janna MN 1970 18 to 24in. pb ? ?
Jardins de Bagatelle HT 1986 4 to 5 w **? ?
Jasmine Rose (fnd) OGR <1998 3 to 4 lp ** fff
Jean Giono ROM 1996 4 to 5 dy *** ff
Jean Kenneally MN 1986 22 to 30in. ap? *** fff
Jeanne Lajoie CLMN 1975 8 to 10 mp *** f
Jennifer MN 1985 18 to 20in. pb ** ff
Jerry O MN 1998 20 to 24in. mr ** ff
Jiminy Cricket F 1951 2 to 3 op ** fff
'Jim's Fence Corner'(Blsh Noiset.?) N 1817 4 to 5 w *** fff
'Jim's Red Perfume' (fnd) HT <1998 4? r ? fff
Jitterbug MN 1992 2 ob ** f
Johann Strauss ROM 1996 4 to 5 lp *** ff
Jolly Cupido MN 1992 14 to 16in. rb *** -
Joseph's Coat (LCL) CL 1969 8 rb *** f
Juane Desprez N 1830 20 yb ** ff
Jude the Obscure S 1995 4 to 5 ab **? fff
Julia Child F 2006 3 my *** ffff
June Laver MN 1987 10 to 14in. dy *** -
Just Joey HT 1972 4 ob *** fff
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Kardinal HT 1934 4 dr ** -
Kathleen HM 1922 4 to 6 lp ** f
Kathryn Morely (AUS) SH 1995 5 to 7 lp ** ff
'Kathy Hunter's Pink'(fnd) R OLD 10 to 15 mp - ?
Kazanlik DM <1689 5 mp - fff
'Kishie's Red' HT >2004 4 dr ** fff
Kisme F UNK 3 lp ** f
Kiss of Desire CL 1986 12 rb *** ?
Konfetti HT 1994 3 yb ** ?
Kristen MN 1993 20 to 24in. pb *** -
Kronprincessin.Victoria B 1887 3 to 4 w ** fff
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
L. D. Braithwaite S 1988 4 mr **? ff
La Belle Carmen MN <1999 ? mp ** ?
La Belle Sultane G 1795 4 dr - ff
La Canadienne HT 1967 4? ob ** fff
La France HT 1867 3 to 4 lp ** ff
La Marne POL 1915 4 to 6 pb *** -
Lady Ann Kidwell POL 1948 4 dp *** fff
Lady Banks (R. banksiae lutea) SP 1824 20 my - f
Lady Elgin. HT 1954 4 yb ** fff
Lady of the Dawn F 1984 4 to 5 lp ** f
Lamarque N 1830 10 to 15 w * fff
Lavender Dream S 1984 3 to 4 m ** -
Lavender Lassie HM 1960 5 to 6 m ** fff
Lavender Princess F 1959 3 to 4 m ** ff
'Laverne's Lt'l Red Creeper'(fnd) MN <1994 12 to 18in. rb **** -
Leander S 1983 6 to 10 ab ** ff
Leda DM <1827 5 lp *? fff
Lemon Meringue CL 2005 10 to 12 ly ** ff
Leonidas HT 1995 3 ob *** f
Leonie Lamesch POL 1899 3 to 4 ob **? f
Leontine Gervais R 1903 15 to 20 ly - ff
Leslie's Little Lavendar (fnd) MN <1998 18 to 24in. m ** ?
Libby MN 1978 14 to 16in. rb ** -
Lifelines CLMN 2005 5 to 7 ob ** -
Lilian Austin. S 1981 4 op ** ff
Little Artist MN 1982 18 to 20in. rb ** -
Little Baby Darling (RRRCo) POL 2005 18 to 24in. lp ** f
Little Darling F 1956 4 to 5 yb *** ff
Little Green Snake S 1996 12in. w ** -
Little Jackie MN 1982 16 to 20in. ob ** fff
Little Rascal MN 1981 12 to 16in. mr *** f
Little Tommy Tucker MN 1999 14 to 20in. my *** f
Little White Pet POL 1879 2 w *** -
Little White Star (RRRCo) POL 2005 15 to 24in. w *** -
Livin.Easy FR 1992 4 ob *** ff
'Lorraines's Red History' OGR <2003 7 to 8 dr - f
Louis Phillippe CH 1834 4? rb *** f
Louise Odier B 1851 5 dp *** fff
Love GR 1980 3 rb ** f
Love Potion (Purple Puff) F 1993 3 to 4 m ** ?
'Lovely Pink Hybrid Musk'(fnd) HM <1995 3 to 4 mp *** ff
Lyda Rose S 1994 4 to 6? w ? fff
Lynn Anderson HT 1995 5 to 6 pb ** f
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Maestro HT 1981 4 rb ** f
'Magenta Buttons'(Gabrielle Private?)POL 1931 4 to 6 mp **? -
Magic Carrousel MN 1972 1 to 2 rb *** f
Maid Marian HM 1930 3 to 4 w ** ?
Mandarin.Sunblaze MN 2003 16 to 20in. ob *** f
Marchesa Boccella HP 1842 3 lp ** ff
'Margo Koster'(fnd) POL 1931 2 to 3 ob *** -
Marie Pavie POL 1888 3 to 4 w *** ?
Marjorie Fair (Red Ballerina) HM 1979 3 to 4 rb ** f
Mark One MN 1982 18in. or *** -
'Martha Gonzales' CH <1998 2 to 3 mr *** ?
Mary Marshall MN 1970 12 to 18in. ob **? f
Mary Rose S 1983 5 mp *** fff
Marylin.Monroe HT 2003 4 to 5? ab *** f
'Mary's Orange Ice'(fnd) HT <1999 4 ob ** ?
Matangi FR 1974 4 to 5 rb *** f
'Mendocino Headlands'(fnd) R 1901 12 to 20 lp * ff
'Mendocino Smiles'(fnd) R OGR 10 to 15 pb - -
Merci F 1974 5? mr ** -
Merlot MN 2002 24 to 30in. dr ** f
Mermaid CL 1918 10 to 15 ly ** ff
'Midtown Mini-Climber'(fnd) CLMN<1990 8 to 12 ob - -
Mighty Mouse F 1980 3? rb *** f
Minilights S 1987 15in. my *** -
Minnie Pearl MN 1982 14 to 18in. pb *** -
Minuette F 1969 2 to 3 rb ** f
Mirandy HT 1945 4 dr * fff
Miss All American Beauty HT 1965 4 dp ? fff
Miss Edith Cavell POL 1917 2 to 3 dr *** ?
Miss Flippins MN 1997 24in. mr *** -
Mme. Alfred Carriere CL 1879 12 to 20 lp ** fff
Mme. Caroline Testout HT 1890 3 to 4 mp *** f
Mme. Caroline Testout, CL. CLHT 1901 12 to 18 mp ** -
Mme. Isaac Periere B 1881 7 to 10 dp * ffff
Mme. Pierre Oger B 1878 4 to 6 pb *** fff
Mme. Plantier A 1835 5 w - fff
Mme. Zoetmans DM 1830 4 w - fff
Modern Art HT 1985 4 rb *** f
Molineux S 1994 3 to 4 dy ** ff
Mon Cheri HT 1981 4 rb ** f
Mons. Tillier T 1891 4 op *** ?
Moonstone HT 1998 3 to 4 w ** f
Morey's Salmon HT 1953 3 pb *** ?
Mount Shasta (Dales's Pink?) GR 1963 4 to 5 w ** f
Mountie MN 1984 12 to 14in. mr *** -
Mousseline M 1881 3 to 4 w ** ff
Mozart HM 1937 3 to 5 pb ? f
Mr. Bluebird (Blue Mist?) MN 1960 2 to 10 m *** ?
Mrs. B.R. Cant T 1901 5 to 6 mp *** fff
Mrs. Henry Morse (? V.Gdns) HT 1919 3 pb ** fff
Mrs. Herbert Stevens CLHT 1992 10 to 12 w * ff
Mrs. Oakley Fisher HT 1921 3 to 4 dy *** ff
Mrs. R.M. Finch POL 1923 2 to 3 mp *** -
Music Maker S 1973 2 to 3 lp * f
Mutabilis CH <1894 5 to 6 yb *** -
'Mutant Charisma'(fnd) F 1997 2 to 3 ob *** -
My Best Friend MN 2000 14 to 18in. pb ** -
Myabi HT 1977 5 to 6 w ** f
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
'Nancys Fancy' (Falstaff '99?) SW <2005 5 to 7 dr ** fff
Narrow Water N 1883 5 to 6 lp ** ff
Nastarana N 1879 3 to 4 w *** fff
New Beginnings MN 1988 16 to 20in. ob *** f
New Dawn CL 1930 12 to 15 lp *** fff
New Face S 1982 6 yb *** ff
Nicole F 1985 6 to 7 pb ** f
Niles Cochet (Red Maman Cochet) T 1906 3 to 4 rb *** fff
Nocturne HT 1947 4 dr ** fff
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Oceana HT <2000 4? pb ** f?
Oklahoma HT 1964 4 to 6 dr ** fff
Old Blush CH <1752 4 to 7 mp *** -
Old Master F 1974 3 to 4 rb ** f
'Old Red Wings' (fnd) OGR <2000 4 to 6? mr - ?
'Orsen's Big Red'(fnd) HT <1990 4 to 5 mr ** ?
Out of the Blue S 2002 4 to 5 p ** fff
Overnight Sensation MN 1997 4 to 6 mp ** fff
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Pacesetter MN 1979 16 to 20in. w ** -
Papa Meilland HT 1963 5 to 6 dr ** fff
Papageno HT 1990 3 to 4 rb *** f
Paper Doll MN 1992 2 ab *** -
Paquerette POL 1875 1 to 2 w *** f
Paradise HT 1978 3 to 4 m ** f
Parfait F 1975 2 to 3 mr ** f
Party Girl MN 1979 12 to 16in. yb **? f
Paul Neyron HP 1869 5 to 6 mp * fff
Paul Recault C 1845 5 mp - fff
Paul's Himalayan Musk R OLD 30 lp - fff
Paul's Scarlet Climber CL 1916 10 mr * f
Peace HT 1945 4 to 5 yb ** f
Pearl Palace MN 1999 2 to 3 ap ** ff
Pearlie Mae GR 1981 4 to 5 ab ** ff
'Peggy's Big OGR Bush'(fnd) OGR OLD 8 to 10 w - ?
'Peggy's Red Fence'(fnd) HT <1994 5 to 7 mr *** ?
Penelope HM 1924 5 to 6 lp *** fff
Perdita S 1992 5 to 6 ab **? fff
Perfect Moment HT 1989 3 to 4 rb ** f
Perfume Delight HT 1973 4 to 5 mp ** fff
Perle d' Or POL 1884 4 to 8 yb *** fff
Peter Frankenfeld HT 1966 4 dp *** f
Phyllis Bide CLPOL 1923 8 to 12 yp *** ?
Picasso F 1971 3 pb *** ?
Pierre de Ronsard (Eden 88) (LCL) CL 1987 8 to 10 pb ** f
Pierrine MN 1988 18 to 24in. op ** -
Pink Mermaid CL 1918 10 to 15 pb ** ff
Pink Moss (Communis) M 1696 4 to 5 mp - fff
Pink Parfait GR 1960 3 to 4 pb *** f
Pink Rosette F 1948 2 to 3 lp ** f
Pink Sweetie (RRRCo) POL 2005 24 to 30in. lp **** fff
Pinkie, Climbing CLPOL 1952 6 to 10 mp *** fff
Playboy F 1976 3 rb *** ff
Polka CL 1997 10 to 12 ap **? fff
Popcorn, Meg's (Yellow Bantam) MN 1973 10 to 12in. w *** -
Poulsen's Pearl F 1948 3 to 4 lp *** f
Poulsen's Yellow F 1938 3 to 4 my ? fff
Pricilla Burton F 1978 3 pb *** ?
Prince Camille de Rohan HP 1861 5 to 6 dr * fff
Princess de Monaco HT 1984 3 w ** ff
Princess Mariana S 1998 2 to 3 ap? **? f
Prosperity HM 1919 4 to 6 w *** ff
'Pumphouse Climber'(fnd)(LCL) CL 1916 10 to 12 mr * f
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Q, R
Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Queen Beatrix HT 1983 4 to 5 ob *** fff
Queen Elizabeth GR 1954 5 to 7 mp *** ff
Queen Margrethe S 1995 2 lp **? fff
R. banksiae lutea (Lady Banks) SP 1824 20 my - f
R. corymbifera SP <1838 10 w - ff
R. foetida bicolor (Austrian Copper) SP <1590 5 to 6 rb - ff
R. gallica officinalis (Apothecary R)OGR <1590 3 dp - fff
R. primula (Incense Rose) SP 1910 2 to 4 ly - ff
R. roxburghii (Chestnut Rose) SP <1814 6 mp ** fff
R. solieana SP 1896 12 w - ?
R. villosa (Apple Rose) SP ? ? ? - ?
R. willmottiae SP 1894 5 to 10 m - ?
R.Californican SP OLD 4 to 6 lp - f
Rabble Rouser S 2002 2 to 3 y ** ?
Rachael's Smile (RRRCo CL) CL 2001 8 to 10 dp ** ff
Radiant Perfume G 2004 5 dy ** fff
Rainbow Sorbet F 2006 3 to 4 pb *** f
Rainbow's End MN 1986 12 to 18in. yb *** f
Ralph Moore MN 1999 14 to 18in. mr ** -
Ralph's Creeper S 1988 2 rb *** ff
Razzle Dazzle F 1977 3 rb ** f
Red Ballerina (Marjorie Fair) HM 1979 3 to 4 rb ** f
Red Cascade MN 1976 20 to 30in. dr *** -
Red Fairy POL 1995 3 mr *** -
Red Pendant MN 1984 6 to 8 dr ** -
Regensburg F 1979 2 pb *** ff
Renae CLF 1954 10 to 15 mp ** fff
Reve d'Or N 1869 10 to 12 my ** ff
Rina Hugo HT 1993 4 to 5 dp ** f
Rise N Shine MN 1977 16 to 20in. my **? f
Robin.Hood HM 1927 4 to 5 mr *** ff
Robusta S 1979 6 mr *** ff
Roger Lambelin. HP 1890 5 to 6 rb * ff
Roller Coaster S 1987 3 to 4 rb ** f
Romanze S 1986 4 to 6 dp *** fff
Rosa Mundi G <1581 3 pb - ff
Rosarium Ueteresen (LCL) CL 1977 8 to 12 dp **? ff
Rose de Rescht DM <1940 3 to 4 dp *** fff
Rose du Roi DM 1815 3 to 4 mr ** fff
Rose Gaujard HT 1957 4 rb ** f
Rosette Delizy T 1922 4 to 5 yb *** ff
Rosy Cushion S 1979 3 to 4 lp *** f
Roter Stern HT 1958 4? mr ** f
Roundelay GR 1954 4 to 5 dr *** ff
'Roxie's Relaxed Mom'(fnd) MN 1998 18 to 20in. dr **** ?
'Roxie's Romance'(fnd) MN <1992 2 to 3 or *** -
Royal Amethyst HT 1989 4 to 5 m ** fff
Royal Highness HT 1962 4 lp *** fff
Royal Sunset (LCL) CL 1960 8 to 12 ab ** ff
Russelliana(Old Spanish Rose)(HMULT) OGR <1873 6 m - ff
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Safrano T 1839 4 to 5 ab *** ff
Sakure Himi MN <1990 2 to 3 lp *** ?
Sally Holmes S 1976 5 to 6 w *** ff
'Sandy's Marina'(fnd) F 1974 4 to 5 ob *** ff
Sarabande F 1957 2 to 3 or ** f
Saratoga F 1963 3 w *** fff
Schoolgirl (LCL) CL 1964 8 to 10 ab ** f
Secret HT 1992 4 to 5 pb *** fff
Serendipity S 1978 3 to 4 ob *** ff
Sheila MacQueen F 1988 3 to 4 w **? f
Sheila's Perfume F 1985 4 to 5 yb *** ffff
Shower of Gold R 1910 10 to 15 my * ?
Silver Star HT 1966 3 to 4 m ** fff
Simplex MN 1961 12 to 14in. ly *** -
Slater's Crimson China CH 1733 3 to 4 mr *** ?
Smarty S 1979 2 to 3 lp ** -
Smiles F 1937 2 to 3 lp *** f
Snow White POL <1950 3 w *** f
Snowbride MN 1982 14 to 18in. w ** -
Sombreuil CLT 1850 8 w ** fff
Sonia Sunblaze MN ? ? ? **? -?
Sophie's Perpetual CH <1905 8 pb *** fff
Souv. de Claudius Denoyel CLHT 1920 12 dr ** fff
Souv. de la Malmaison B 1843 2 to 3 lp ** fff
Souv. de Mme. Leonie Viennot CLT 1898 10 to 15 yb * fff
Souv. de St. Anne's B 1950 2 to 3 lp ** f
Souv. du Docteur Jamain. HP 1865 8 to 12 dr * ff
Sparrieshoop CL 1953 10 to 12 lp ** f
Spice So Nice CL 2002 10 to 12 ab *** fff
St. Patrick HT 1996 4 to 5 my ** f
Stainless Steel HT 1991 5 m ** fff
Stairway to Heaven CL 2002 10 to 12 mr ** f
Stardance (Anita's) MN 1982 2 w ** f
Starina MN 1965 14 to 18in. rb *** -
Starry Night S 2002 2 to 3 w *** f
Strike it Rich G 2007 4 to 5 dy ** fff
Summer Wind (?) S 1975 2 to 3 op *** ff
Summer Wine (LCL) CL 1985 12 dp *** fff
Sunflare F 1981 2 to 3 my *** f
Sunflare, Climbing (Yellow Blaze,Cl.)CLF 1987 8 to 12 my ** f
Sunny Day MN 1986 12 to 14in. yb *** ff
Sunset Celebration HT 1998 4 ob *** ?
Sunsprite F 1977 3 to 4 dy *** fff
Sunstruck HT 2006 4 to 5 ob ** ff
Surrey S 1985 2 to 3 lp **** f
Suspence HT 1960 3 rb ** f
Sutter's Gold HT 1950 4 to 5 ob *** ffff
Sweet Chariot MN 1984 6 to 20 in. m *** fff
'Sweet Cory'(fnd, White Fairy?) POL <1992 2 to 3 w *** -
Sweet Dream S 1988 2 to 3 ab *** ?
Sydonie HP 1846 4 to 5? mp **? fff
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Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Tahitian Sunset HT 2006 4 to 5 yb ** fff
Talisman (fnd) HT 1929 3 to 4 yb *** fff
Tamora S 1992 3 ob ** fff
Teddy Bear MN 1989 16 to 20in. r *** -
Thanksgiving HT 1965 4 to 5 ob *** fff
The Alexander Rose S 1994 5 to 6 pb *** f
The Dahlia Rose f 2004 2 to 3 rb *** -
The Fairy POL 1932 2 to 3 lp *** -
The Fairy, Climbing (fnd) CLPOL 1994 8 to 10 lp ** -
The Garland R 1835 8 w - fff
Theresa Bugnet HRG 1950 5 to 6 mp ** fff
Tiffany HT 1954 4 to 5 pb ** fff
Tipsy Imperial Concubine T 1989 3 pb * ff
'Tom's Smelly Pink'(fnd) OGR OLD 5 to 6 mp -? fff
Touch of Class HT 1984 4 to 5 op *** -
Toy Clown MN 1966 12 to 14in. rb ** -
Traviata ROM 1996 4 to 5 mr *** f
Tropical Sunset HT 1998 4 to 6 ab ** f
'Twinkle Bright' MN 1998 20 to 24in. yb *** -
'Twinkle Charm' MN 1998 20 to 24in. mr *** -
'Twinkle Eyes' MN 1998 20 to 24in. rb *** -
'Twinkle Pink' MN 1998 20 to 24in. mp *** -
'Twinkle Star' MN 1998 20 to 24in. w *** -
Typhoo Tea HT 1974 4? rb ** ff
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U, V, W
Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Ulrich Brunner, Fils HP 1881 5 to 6 dp ** fff
Valencia 89 (new) HT 1989 4 ab ** fff
Veilchenblau (Sue's Purple)(HMULT) R 1909 10 to 15 m - fff
Verdun POL 1918 3? mr *** -
'Veronica's Violet'(fnd) HT <1998 4 to 5 m ** fff
Vineyard Song S 1999 2 to 3 m ** ff
Weisse aus Sparrieshoop S 1962 8 to 12 w ** ff
Westerland CLF 1969 8 to 12 ab *** fff
What a Peach S 2002 3? ap ** ff
Will Scarlet HM 1943 4 to 5 mr ** f
Wiltshire S 1988 2 to 3 ab *** ?
Wind Chimes HM <1946 4 to 8 mp ** fff
Wine & Roses HM 1999 3 to 4 m ** ?
Wistful MN 1994 16 to 20in. m *** ?
Work of Art CLMN 1989 6 ob **? f
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X, Y, Z
Name Type Year Height Color Repeat Frgrnc
Yellow Bantam MN 1960 10in. ly *** f
Yellow Blaze, Climbing (Sunflare,Cl.)CLF 1987 8 to 12 my ** f
Yellow Jacket S 1992 2 to 3 dy *** -
Yesterday POL 1974 3 m *** f
Yves Piaget ROM 1989 3 to 4 m *** fff
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- once bloom - no fragrance
* occasional rebloom f moderate fragrance
** reliable rebloom ff good fragrance
*** rapid rebloom fff outstanding fragrance
ly - light yellow lp - light pink
my - medium yellow mp - medium pink mr - medium red
dy - deep yellow dp - deep pink dr - deep red
yb - yellow blend pb - pink blend rb - red blend
ab - apricot & apricot blend w - white, near white & white blend
ob - orange & orange blend m - mauve & mauve blend
op - orange pink
or - orange red
A - Alba G - Galica P - Porland
B - Bourbon Gr - Grandiflora Pol - Polyantha
C - Centifolia HM - Hybrid Musk R - Rambler
Ch - China HT - Hybride Tea S - Shrub
CL - climber MN - Miniture SP - Species
D - Damask N - Noisette T - Tea
F - Floribunda OGR - Old Growth Rose
Photos courtesy of Mikala Kennan.